When I was a child, I played in the courtyard of my grandparents' country house, maybe I went there once a year for a week in summer with my little brother and my little sister; then my cousin. in the north of the Loire department. the courtyard formed an L, it gave access to the vegetable patch, where we were forbidden to go, we obviously could not pass the west gate overlooking a road where the cars drove very fast ; too fast and we were not careful enough to cross 3 meters of bitumen consciously with the danger.
The southern barrier, it overlooked on the exit of the closed family territory, escaping, from the tarred brutality, facing a field of apple trees

The restriction is still on, we are not going out of the courtyard.

figure of exceptional cases
the badminton shuttlecock passes over the barrier,
the ball goes over the barrier
the bouncing ball passes below or above the barrier the pingpong game ball passes below the barrier
a ball passes under the barrier
parents arrive by car to pick us up

It is then possible for us to cross the threshold of the barrier in front of the apple tree fields; under granny’s watchful eye.

In the courtyard, there is like another small courtyard,
With a balustrade to separate it from the large courtyard, the small courtyard is located under the window of Granny's kitchen.
It’s composed of a table and chairs to offer a drink or an afternoon snack when the weather is good or when Granny receives family members.
The people living near the house or lands are 90% of my grandfather’s family, he was born in this village, and his family members still lives there.

We are also in the courtyard of the family house from which grandpa inherited. The neighbors are the brothers and sisters of grandpa. grandpa's nephews. And our cousins.

The courtyard remains closed.

The courtyard is the outdoor area where we play most often.
It is also the only outdoor place where we can play without being supervised. But we must not get out of it.


Granny can observe our actions in the yard at any time and reassure herself of our

Granny can hear our actions and expressions in the yard at any time

Granny can interfear in the yard at any time and make us stop our actions, correct us an inappropriate vocabulary
Grandma is then reassured, she can then take care of her personal activities. We are in the courtyard of the house, it is closed. The external territory is occupied by family members. And the traffic is neither regular nor high on the road bordering the walls. Granny can finally breathe.

step by step

step by step

the courtyard becomes a prison.

Sometimes the balls, shuttlecocks, soccer, twists, pingpong, badminton, voluntarily cross the borders. Bringing a brief and welcoming excitement to a daily vacation moment, slowly repeating itself.

the control center: the kitchen
the space surveillance and free actions: the courtyard

i'm not afraid of the speed of the car wheels on the tar behind the grill
i'm not afraid of eating an unwashed apple in a green field
I'm not afraid to wander into the surrounding land
I'm not afraid to forget to look when I cross the road
I am not afraid to play in the vegetable garden while respecting its architecture, in fact its front door and its back wall are the things which amuse me the most I think

I'm afraid of grandma, I'm afraid of being punished if I don't stay quietly in the yard.
if I do not create my amusement in the laws of the courtyard I would risk to be punished. it's the holidays I don't want to.
Grandma does not mess with the territorial border of the court.
Granny is not afraid to let us play unsupervised in the courtyard.

Granny is scared

Granny is scared by the idea that we are acting outside the administration of her property.

She doesn’t tell us that she’s afraid, and we can’t imagine the nervousness that inhabits her when we break her rule.

The universe is huge, there is no beginning, there is no end. And there is this courtyard. small,

Small to me, infinity was black


There was our solar system, the constellations that I knew
A very small summary of our galaxy
There were perhaps only our solar system and scattered stars covering the black celestial sky.
If we were navigating in space, there would obviously be an end
This end is a huge sphere,
A sphere so big that it could contain our solar system thus its Space

This sphere is entirely composed of S-shaped interlocking cobbles A huge sphere of cobblestones

The same S-shaped interlocking cobbless as those which covered the floor of the courtyard of the country house of my paternal grandparents in the north of the Loire.

This sphere is entirely composed of S-shaped interlocking cobbles dyed in an aging pink / brown / gray

The same color as the S-shaped interlocking cobbles that covered the floor of the courtyard of the country house of my paternal grandparents in the north of the Loire.

space navigator,

once you get to this sphere of S-shaped interlocking cobbles

once successfully pierced this sphere of S-shaped interlocking cobbles

the galactic black of the infinity of spaces
